domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015


 In the world, there are different type of climates, there is the Tropical Climate, the Monsoon Climate, the Hot Desert and the Cold Desert. To begin with it is the Tropical Climate, this climate is mainly in South America (Brazil) and it is divided into to seasons, the dry season and the wet season. The wet season is well known because of the heavy rains, and the dry season the moisture moves away because the strong wind, this happens because the sun moves.
 Then there are the two desert, the Hot and the Cold. The cold one is caracterized because of the winter that is extremely long, with long nights and low temperatures. During this climate rains are extremely rare because the cold air do not rise the moisture. And then, the Hot Desert, in which temperatures are exrtemely high, the highest on earth, the have almost no precipitations mainly because winds have to cross all the high mountains.
 Finaly the monsoon, this Climate is also divided into two, the southwest and the northeast. The northeast monsoon is known because the wind blows externally from the high pressure, and because of this there is a very low amount of rain. To finish with, there is the southwest monsoon, as this climate is so far away from the sea, it is very hot and with lot of moisture, so, they have lot of precipitations with very powerfull storms.

1 comentario:

  1. Please, Fran, check language mistakes. Also, you don´t explain why there are two seasons in the tropical continental climate, in the south-west monsoon the influence of the sea is essential for rainfall to occur. You didn't develop the equatorial climate.
